Trusts and foundations

Variety does not receive government funding. Alongside the public’s support and that of corporate partners, we rely very heavily on the generosity and support of Trusts and Foundations to enable us to deliver our services.
Why support us?
Trusts and foundations of all sizes can support Variety, and together we can transform the lives of disabled and disadvantaged children. Our Trusts and Foundations Manager and other staff have direct, hands-on experience of our projects and in-depth knowledge of all our programmes. As a result, we are best placed to fulfil the needs of Trusts and Foundations and communicate about our projects effectively.
What can you support?
Trusts and Foundations can work in partnership with us through one-off grants, or longer-term over a number of years to support a specific programme or general area of work.
What we offer you
- Dedicated support from our Trusts and Foundations Manager
- Tailored proposals and regular reporting; we have robust monitoring and evaluation processes and collate up-to-date information from the children and families we work with, so our supporters know exactly how their money is being spent and the impact they are having
- An honest approach in our relationship and reporting with you; we tell you about the challenges we face and any adjustments to our programmes as they happen
- We provide a personalised service, recognising that trusts and foundations may have specific interests or objectives
Get in touch
Please contact our Trusts and Foundations Manager on 020 7428 8117 or