Life-changing practical support for disabled and disadvantaged children and young people across the U.K.
Over 600,000 children with disabilities are living in poverty in the UK today. We provide practical support that makes an immediate difference to disabled and disadvantaged children, supporting children to reach their full potential.
The Variety Impact Ecosystem consists of four programmes that help thousands of children everyday. We provide referral pathways, so children can receive practical support that has the power to transform their lives.
Sunshine Coaches have been funded across the UK since Variety began.
Two million
children have been on Great Days Out with Variety.
has been spent on wheelchair grants since 2019.
Support for children
We support children and young people under the age of 19 who have a recognised disability or long-term health condition.
On average, a family with a disabled child has to pay an extra £581 per month to have the same standard living as a family without a disabled child. We’re addressing the link between disability and poverty.