St Kevin’s Sensory Room
After much anticipation, the pupils of St Kevin’s School located in Sighthill in Glasgow are delighted with their fabulous new Sensory Room and have Odeon Cinema to thank for it. Odeon kindly donated £1,700, which allowed the school to create a fantastic room, fitted with a range of sensory and specialised electrical equipment including, a shimmering curtain, laser sky projector, aromatherapy diffuser, soothing music, light projector, LED lights and a mirror ball.
The room has provided the children with a calm and stimulating enviroment to explore their senses and decrease feelings of anxiety.
Lesley Ann D’Arcy, the Deputy Head Teacher from St Kevins said:
“The children are very excited about the new room, as are the teachers”
She thanked both ODEON and Variety for their generosity and support, without whom it would have been difficult to create this space.