Aimee’s Story

Unpredictable and severe seizures often occur at night and can last 3 to 4 hours, necessitating oxygen and emergency medication.
She cannot stand to use the shower effectively which results in recurring personal-hygiene-related infections.
Variety provided Aimee and her mum with an adjustable height bath, which means she can not only be washed more easily and thoroughly but enjoy her bath time too. Mum’s life has also got a little easier as she no longer has to lift her in and out of the bath.
Aimee’s mum says:
“Now she spends lots of time splashing around with her toys, her Jacuzzi bubbles, lights and music. Something as simple as a bath has made an absolutely massive difference to Aimee. Most of all she can be like everyone else at bath time. Thank you Variety for making this happen.”
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