Grace’s Story

She cannot bear her own weight either for crawling or walking and therefore cannot walk independently. She is only able to stand for short periods and shuffles around as best she can on her bottom.
Grace’s mother has joint and back problems herself and, because the toilet at home is upstairs, she finds it extremely difficult to manage Grace’s needs when it means carrying her upstairs. This problem was overcome when Variety agreed to provide a stair lift. This helps both Grace and her mum hugely and as Grace gets older it will give her greater independence.
Grace’s mum says:
“We finally had the stair lift fitted 2 weeks ago. Grace loves it. It has helped me too, as I was struggling to carry her up the stairs now she’s getting so big. We are very grateful. The lift has made such a difference to us; now we can go upstairs at different times of day and not be confined to just morning and night.”

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