Lilly’s Story

I have complex medical conditions. I was diagnosed with Congenital Bilateral Cataracts, Nystagmus (my own wobbly world), Hip Dysplasia and Global Developmental Delay. It means I cannot walk unaided or speak. Despite my special needs I am a very happy, but stubborn, and fun loving girl.
My family has to bring the world to me as I cannot see clearly beyond 2 metres.
My physiotherapist, Michelle came across an Innowalk. This magical and extraordinary equipment moves my legs in a walking motion. My mum and dad say this equipment is miraculous and thanks to the generosity of Variety and The Melissa Nathan Foundation, my dream of running has now come true.
For the first time in my life I am able to feel what it is like to walk or run without being too tired to do more than a few steps. I absolutely loved it! I have been running with the help of the Innowalk every day now and look much like any other 6 year old would. I can easily run around a whopping 400 metre track in just under 15 minutes.
I used to find it very difficult to use my muscles without lots of help from others, but thanks to my new best pal, Innowalk, I am able to use my muscles appropriately and exercise independently. This also has a positive effect on my circulation and digestion. It helps my hip muscles work better and hopefully means I will not need to have another operation for dislocation again.
Above all, I do not need to rely on my parents so much. I feel free and just like other children, I enjoy my jogging. For the first time in years I am sleeping well and hopefully that will allow my parents a full night’s sleep without me waking them up. No turning back for us. Thank you Variety.
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