Sophie’s powered wheelchair story

But, in 2012, Sophie started attending a mainstream school four days a week – made possible largely by a special powered wheelchair which Variety funded.
The chair has a standing facility and adjustable seat height and tilt so that she can change position.

Sophie says:
‘’I call my chair ‘Yo Yo’ because it goes up and down. I like standing up when I want to; I can do it by myself. When I ache from sitting down too long I can stand up. I like standing up with my friends when we are cooking at school’’
Sophie’s parents say:
“We love Sophie’s chair. Standing up has become her party piece. People are always astonished that she can control it by herself.
Medically, she is weight bearing much more and this will help to protect her hips from further surgery; she’ll develop stronger bones. It also helps with digestion and breathing.
There’s a big physcological benefit of being able to converse at the same height as everyone else (instead of them all looking down at her).
Sophie’s chair is her independence and what 10 year old little girl doesn’t want that?”
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